Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Day in the Life.

9:06-Mitch wakes up to a text telling him to text his girlfriend. Mitch calls girlfriend and she sadly does not pick up, apparently she is mysteriously asleep. Mitch falls asleep, hoping to contact his girlfriend in the dream world. He is unsuccessful.

10:32-Mitch wakes up again, determined to contact his girlfriend. He calls her, only to find out that it was all a mix-up, she thought he was trying to contact her in the first place. Mitch, once again, falls asleep.

11:00-Mitch wakes up for the third time and trudges downstairs. He decides he is going to beat Spider-man 2 (a 6 year old Gamecube game) in one sitting.

12:45-Unfortunately, Nature bitch slaps his attempt with its ultimate weapon, hunger.

12:50-Mitch goes to Wendy's

1:15-Mitch decides to try and get all 1000 Achievement Points for Rock Band 2.

1:30-Mitch discovers that Rock Band 2 is not a single player experience. He heads upstairs to have a bath, to drown his boredom with hot water and Peggle.

1:42-Mitch almost drops iPod Touch in water and decides to leave Peggle for another time. He reclines in silence.

2:00-Mitch goes downstairs, ready to tackle Mysterio's alien army, when Nintendo's greatest weapon attacks, the corrupted save file.

3:00-Mitch discovers that there is in fact "Classic" Dr. Phil episodes. As it turns out they follow the exact same pattern as regular Dr. Phil's, in fact they feature less audience careitude than the regular ones, which is saying something.

3:05-Mitch prepares for work...3 hours early.

1 comment:

GuhKnobKwi said...

Oh the dreaded corrupted save file. I can't tell you how many times that has happened to me with the Sims... It sucks when you're really far in a game and that occurs. I'm not going to lie but it happened to me on Spiderman 2 as well... when I was on the very last level, beating Doc Oct. Lame.
