Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Blast from the 8 Year Old Past

Today I finally broke down and bought the latest Pokemon game. I had to start this post with that sentence, the first step is admitting it. The last time I played a Pokemon game with the intention of beating it was when I was 10, one of my more depressing years. At that time I caught all the Pokemon that one can in the game. I bought the game with the intention of taking an epic trip back into my childhood, a nice ritual that symbolized who I was then, and who I am now. As it turns out who I am now is an idiot who still spends $40 on Pokemon games. Regardless, I think I need to finish this, catch all 493 (a number I looked up that made me immediatly regret typing the previous words) pokemon. My goal is June. My friend Stephanie (I would link to her blog but...I don't think she has one) is going to catch the Soul Silver pokemon for me. It has been awhile since I've done this and after completing the first badge I'm sore (not that fingers, that would be moronic, more in the general brain area, like I've been hit with a sledgehammer). I think the first step should be to beat the game, get all the badges, then go to the areas and catch em' all! Please excuse my lack of excitement.

Pokemon Progress Report:
Pokemon Obtained: 4
Pokemon Seen: 12
Last Pokemon Thought: "What the hell are the Ruins of Alph...why do I care"

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